Forage Extension Program
Forage Extension Program

3rd Annual Equines and Endophytes Workshop

3rd Annual Equines and Endophytes Workshop

3rd Annual Equines and Endophytes Workshop

Fayette County Extension Office 1140 Harry Sykes Way Lexington, KY 40504

Last Revised: Jan 2nd, 2025

Date and Time

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Event Description

$40 | Advanced Registration required | Includes lunch and educational materials

9:45 am - Registration

10:30 am - Tall Fescue Toxicity Basics - Dr. Ray Smith, University of Kentucky. Review of the types of tall fescue endophytes and their effects on all classes of horses.

11:00 am - Managing and Eliminating Tall Fescue - Krista Lea, MS. Strategies for managing toxicity or eliminating tall fescue from pastures.

11:30 am - Testing Options for Tall Fescue - Dr. Carolyn Young, NC State. Overview of seed quality testing measure pre-planting and pasture and hay testing options for established stands.

12:00 - Lunch

12:45 pm - Performance of Novel Enodphyte Tall Fescue Varieties - Dr. Ray Smith, University of Kentucky. Establishment steps, forage quality, and longevity of novel endophyte tall fescue mixed pastures

1:15 pm - Non-Pasture Sources of Ergot Alkaloids - Dr. Tim Evans, DVM, University of Missouri. Other sources of ergot alkaloids to be on the lookout for on Kentucky horse farms.

1:45 pm - Farm Manager Panel: Brian Conlon (Three Chimneys) and Jenn Laidlaw (Blue Diamond Stud). Hear from fellow farm managers on their experience dealing with toxic tall fescue, the renovation process and new novel endophyte tall fescue pastures. Moderated by Dr. Bob Coleman, University of Kentucky.

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Contact Information

1100 Nicholasville Rd. N-222 Ag Science Bldg North Lexington, KY 40546-0091